Friday, September 21, 2007

Work Hard - Play Hard!

How many times have we each said that? How many times have we used this phrase to explain that while we are committed to our jobs, we are also committed to enjoying life?

What would we do if our work were play? I am one of the lucky ones; I get to do what I love. Hardly a week goes by when someone doesn’t say to me ‘Paul, you have my dream job!’ While I am flattered, I know that all that is visible to outsider, is when I am shooting and lucky enough to have one of the best seats in the house. They miss all of the planning, the traveling, the editing and uploading. What can I say? I love it!

Watching today’s practice, Work Hard – Play Hard took on a new meaning for me. The seriousness of the upcoming game was distant from the joy the girls were showing on the practice field. They clearly love what they are doing, the love the game and each other as well. The camaraderie is evident, the sense of family is clear - these are amazing individuals, part of an amazing team.

Indeed they work hard to play hard. Enjoy their smiles from today’s practice; England will see different faces at the Olympic Stadium tomorrow night.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the smiles - they show the hard play that is going on!